Maybe we could all be softer

Ultimately the need for love lies at the very foundation of our human existence…   and if love, both passionate and compassionate love makes the world go around … would our lives be fuller and  more peaceful if we could be more compassionate… more human?

I think that we are all born with the seeds of love and compassion in our minds and as Thich Nhat Hanh said love is a mind that brings peace, joy, and happiness to another person and compassion is a mind that removes the suffering that is present in the other.

Hmmm it makes me think … maybe we could all be softer and fluffier?  Move more softly, touch more softly, see more softly… perhaps through the process of softening our hearts…  we can soften our lives


Spit out the seeds…

Hmmm people often say they want to find themselves…? Like there is this concrete ‘self’ behind the cupboard or hidden in the sock drawer just waiting to be found. Or is it hiding someplace between our heartbeats and our ego, or squashed in the darkest corner of our busy overworked brains.. Sounds simple really, just get out the GPS find ‘our true selves’ and we are good to go.

After much searching and contemplation I have come to believe that there is no fixed, tangible, constant ‘self’ to be found. It is a pointless and fruitless search as nothing is ever really fixed. Our personal narratives, cells, and thoughts that make us who we are – they are constantly changing.

Our culture may gives us titles, jobs and labels to define ourselves but perhaps this habitual identifying of the ‘self is actually self limiting. If we take the opportunity to step outside of that and accept that we are ever changing .. we may discover that we can change… we can create and recreate the self we wish to be any – at every moment.  When we allow life to move into and through us without the need to fixate on an end…perhaps we can rest more comfortably with the flux of everyday life.

Life, like love is messy but if you can accept the imperfectness of it, you may just finds it expands deliciously.

Me – I try to suck up the nectar, squeeze the juice out with pleasure and spit out the seeds – of course sometimes a seed ‘will’ get stuck between your teeth but that’s the process of love… that’s the ongoing process of being in every moment ‘my authentic self’ … and it tastes good!

(remember eventually even stuck seeds get dislodged!)

Fro x


Your hands…?
are they weary yet?

buffing your ego
until it glistens
like the PHD on your wall.

You like your reflection.
You stroke it with calloused hands and false content,
…it stops the hunger
it’s a transient and temporary fix.

Like an empty well in need of rain,
You echo with hollowness.

Perhaps you always will.

Life – it throws apart and then brings together again…

The ancient philosopher Heraclitus understood the world to be a place where nothing remains fixed; everything is constantly being transformed. Not unlike the Buddhist philosophy – everything flows, it gives way… nothing stays fixed

I have discovered that everything is in a state of flux and that the striving for one thing against another brings tension and out of tension comes a certain amount of discord. . It seems that both positive and negative realities feed one another and both are required in order for harmony to exist.

As Heraclitus illustrated with the bow and the lyre. The strings of the bow require tension in order to operate harmoniously. If the bowstring were not tightened, an arrow could not be shot. If the lyre strings were not tightened there would be no beautiful music. Is the discord that we experience merely the process whereby unanimity arises?

Perhaps our souls are energized by this endless unrest – does opposition bring discord? and I wonder …from discord does the fairest harmony come?

Hmmm always so much to ponder…


I didn’t hear the splash, but I saw you fall…

Your broken body floated free,
down the river in front of me

I didn’t hear the splash but I saw you fall,
you hit the water like a wall.

People scrambled, people yelled,
the gathering crowd quickly swelled.

I didn’t hear the splash but I saw you fall,
Oh why didn’t anyone hear you call.

I wish I had known who you were,
the broken man who is now a blur.

I ache inside for who you must have been,
a man in darkness, so much hurt unseen…